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Swagelok Indonesia

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Quality Management System

We are dedicated to a continuously improving Quality Management System (accredited to ISO 9001:2015 & SQS-D standards) through which we strive to consistently provide our customers with excellent quality products and services.

Quality Policy 

Our policy is to provide a consistent high quality, high value product and service experience for our customers. We strive for ZERO customer disappointments through continuous improvement.

Please review our Quality Policyin detail.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement isn't easy but it's the Swagelok way of doing things. It's one of six core values that Swagelok associates live every day in service to customers.

Zero Customer Disappointments

We are not perfect – we make mistakes and may not exceed your expectations at times – but we are always striving to achieve ZERO customer disappointments. Though, we cannot achieve so without your feedback. Customers’ feedback is essential in our growth and allows us to achieve better services.


Product Certifications 

We offer extensive product certifications to meet your needs. These include but are not limited to:  

  • Certificates of Compliance 
  • Certificates of Compliance including Mech and Chem properties 
  • Nuclear Traceable Certificates of Compliance  
  • Certificates of Origin