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Swagelok Indonesia

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Customer Survey

Customer Survey

We're Listening, and We're Improving - Continuously

At Swagelok,“customer focus” is one of our core values, so we are always looking for the next way to improve the quality of our customers' experience with our products and services. It's important, therefore, that we are listening to our customers. We need to know where we've delivered on our promises – and where we still need to improve. 

That's why we have launched an ongoing customer survey program.

Customer Survey

Customer Feedback is Important to Us

Please complete our customer survey and receive a FREE glass cleaner for your smart phone or tablet. 

All feedback on our products and services is greatly appreciated and helps us improve our offering to you.

Continuous improvement isn't easy but it's the Swagelok way of doing things.

It's one of six core values that Swagelok associates live every day in service to customers. One driver of our continuous improvement is your feedback. We ask you how we’re doing through our Global Survey and we study the results to look for improvement opportunities. We act on your feedback because it makes us a stronger partner for you—faster, more agile, and better connected to your pain points and priorities. 

Our mission is to serve customers as a most-trusted advisor for many years to come, through good economic times and bad. We do the right thing for the long term.